MEET THE H2O Wright State TEAM

The staff team of H2O Church is made up of men and women who love, care,  and pray for the students and community at Wright State University. Our team is made up of Staff, Interns, and Key Volunteers who serve to see God's heart unveiled here at H2O Wright State.

Because our church is majority students, we raise our support to be missionaries to this college campus. If you would like to become a prayer partner and even take the next step to join as a financial support partner, or if you have any questions and would like to talk, please feel free to reach out to us!

We love leading a collegiate church together, and we believe that college students have incredible potential as we see them launched into shaping tomorrow in spheres of influence like business, government, education, medical, and entertainment! The students of today are the future families that can shape the world today and tomorrow! That's why we take it as a great privilege to lead this community to Jesus while serving them.

  • Joshua & Kari Ortega

    Campus Missionaries | Lead pastor

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    Why did you join the H2O Wright State team? We are church Plant Missionaries at Wright State University (WSU), who are dedicating our lives and family to the spiritual awakening of this generation! Through leadership and discipleship we are Engaging Wright State with the love of Christ, Informing people of the Gospel of Christ, and Inspiring the church community to be in close relationship with Jesus and change the world as they follow Him. We love taking students all over the world to inspire people to join in God's eternal, redemptive mission of making disciples and seeing the Kingdom of God expand into every tribe, tongue, people, and nation!

    What do you enjoy doing with your free time? Kari and I love adventure; so going on mission trips, hiking, and most of all the adventure of following God with our two boys! We love movies and hanging out with people, bonfires, BBQ, live music, and relaxing outside especially when it is nice and warm!

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  • Darryl Phillips

    DIRECTOR | pastor

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    Why did you join the H2O Wright State team? We are currently church plant missionaries at Wright State University, and I love being used by God to lead, teach, and disciple student leaders, staff, and pastors to encounter God, be on mission with God, and love others the way God loves them.

    H2O Wright State is also co-planting and joining with H2O Bowling Green to start a new H2O church plant at Ohio University! I am honored to serve at both campuses and be apart of my 6th college church plant!


  • Matt pardi

    Elder | Pastor

    Why did you join the H2O Wright State team? My favorite part about being on staff with H2O is the opportunity to work with tomorrow's leaders who are passionate about serving Christ. That never gets old!


  • Ryan & Natalie Bradley

    CAMPUS Missionaries | Worship Director | ACCOUNTANT

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    Why did you join the H2O Wright State team? Through H2O Church and the relationships that I built there I realized that Wright State was the mission field that God was calling me to. H2O Church is such an amazing family of believers that genuinely care about people and reaching Wright State campus with the love of Christ. They are not another Christian club but have a true desire to live out the design for the church that Jesus gives us in the Bible, and I knew that I wanted to be a part of that!

    What do you enjoy doing with your free time? My favorite thing to do in my free time is hang out with my friends and family! I also like play sports, specifically basketball, watching movies, going hiking, drawing, and listening to music. I have a passion for music and play both the drums and the ukulele whenever I get the chance. I also enjoy discovering new music and creating playlists for people so that other people.


  • Aaron & Lina Kaufman


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    Why did you join the H2O Wright State team? Growing up as a pastor's son, I experienced Christianity as my parents' faith. When I looked for colleges, I felt God tug my heart toward Wright State, which is 150 miles away from home. I wasn't sure why, but I followed His calling to a public university and later transferred to the Moody Bible Institute online. During college, I made my parents' faith my own, and H2O Church challenged, equipped, and inspired me to love God with simple obedience. I see God's vision to awaken our souls, unveil our eyes, and soften our hearts toward Him and one another. My part in that is learning HIStory (His story), His theology, and His heart--and sharing that with others.

    What do you enjoy doing with your free time? I love spending time in community, from playing all sorts of video, card, and board games, to movie nights, to simply getting work done together. My wife, Lina, and I love watching shows and movies, playing all kinds of games, and enjoying the time God gives us together. I'm a Star Wars fan; I love finding, listening to, and sharing music and podcasts; and I've always got one book I'm slowly reading through.
