The staff team of H2O Church is made up of men and women who love, care, and pray for the students and community at Wright State University. Our team is made up of Staff, Interns, and Key Volunteers who serve to see God's heart unveiled here at H2O Wright State.
Because our
church is majority students, we raise our support to be missionaries to this
college campus. If you would like to become a prayer partner and even take the next step to join as a
financial support partner, or if you have any questions and would like
to talk, please feel free to reach out to us!
We love leading a
collegiate church together, and we believe that college students have
incredible potential as we see them launched into shaping tomorrow in spheres of influence like business, government, education, medical, and entertainment! The students of today are the future families that can shape the world today and tomorrow! That's why we take it as a great privilege to lead this community to Jesus while serving them.