God has been so generous to us.

therefore it's our joy to give!

"Let each one give [thoughtfully and with purpose] just as he has decided in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver [and delights in the one whose heart is in his gift]." 2 COR. 9:7

As stewards, we seek to honor God by using and generously giving the gifts that He has given us. Financial gifts, tithes, offerings, and donations to H2O Church are used to keep our church functioning on campus and investing into students. These help pay for outreaches, offset the cost for students to attend retreats and leadership development, and cover the essentials that keep us on mission for the Gospel.

Select the button below to give to H2O Wright State. You can set up recurring or one-time gifts that fit your schedule.

Or, if you're looking to give to a specific staff member, go to our Meet H2O page.

For General Tithes, Donations, and Special Gifts:



Gifts may be sent to the mailing address listed below. Please include a note with the designation of your gift as well as your name, email, and mailing address in order to receive a giving statement. Of course, you can always give cash if you’d like to remain anonymous.


Most banks will send checks in the mail for free. On your bank's website, navigate to the Bill Pay page, and choose to send checks to the address below. Add the designation of your gift of as a memo. You may chose to mail a check one-time or set up an automatic giving schedule.

Payable to:

H2O Wright State

Send your check to:
2050 Brandt Pike
Dayton, OH 45404

Gifts postmarked as of December 31st are included on a tax statement for the following year. No goods or services were provided in return for your contribution, except for items of insubstantial value or intangible religious benefits as defined by IRS guidelines. The full amount of your contribution is eligible for a U.S. tax deduction, subject to your personal tax situation.

Give During Our Weekly Gathering

Gifts may be given during our H2Ohana gatherings. Drop cash and checks in the Joy Box, typically located near an entry door.

Tax Information & Giving Statements

All gifts are income-tax deductible and are under the direction of H2O Church. The donor has not received any tangible goods or services for this gift. H2O Church endeavors to use gifts where suggested. Gifts are solicited with the understanding that H2O Church Wright State has complete discretion and control over the use of all donated funds. The H2O Church Network Tax ID number is 47-888913.

Giving statements will be sent annually by January 31 for giving in the previous year. They will be sent via email if an email address is on record. If an email address is not on record but a mailing address is, statements will be mailed by mid-February for donors who have given at least one contribution of $250 or more.