The Kentucky Derby Fundraiser

The Kentucky Derby is an awesome event where H2o students help to cater this enormous sporting event.  By working a few days,  a student can pay for most of their events for the following year.  It's also a powerful time to be a light in the darkness, share the Gospel in a real-world situation and incredibly bond as a team!

1. Join the H2O Derby GroupMe (see H2O Derby Leader)
2. Physically sign the H2O-MMC "I Promise" Waiver (see H20 Derby Leader)
​3. Physically sign the MMC Volunteer Agreement (see H2O Derby Leader)
4. Fill out the Online Information Form (Below)
5. Perform the "Levy" Online Alcohol Training (Scroll Below)
6. Email your H2O Derby Leader when you've completed above



Packing List & Mandatory Uniform

Essentials Packing List:
**Please fit all your items in a small duffel bag or suitcase to be courtesy to other team members for transportation**

​Multiple Uniforms (See below for details)
Basic Toiletries
Towel (there will be showers)
Ear Plugs & Eye Mask (for sleeping)
Basic Pain Medication
Phone Charger
Pillow and Sleeping Bag/Sheets & Blanket (You'll be sleeping on twin bunk beds)

Recommended by Veteran Derby Workers:

Cushioned Inserts for Shoes
Rain Jacket (Packable is best)
Lightweight Black Jacket
Small Packable Cinch Pack
​Power Strip (to share outlets)
Portable Fan (for circulation)
- -
We will be staying in basic dorm-style housing with community bathrooms.
Showers are available but they will be used by many people so hot water is never a guarantee.

Derby Days Uniform (Every day except Sunday):
All-Black "Presentable" Shoes
Black Socks
Black Dress Slacks (no rivets or holes) (2 Recommended)
Black Belt (no studs or embellishments)
White Collared Button-Up Dress Shirt (3+ Recommended)
​Black Bow-Tie (Provided by H2O at cost if needed)
***You will most likely get food on your uniform so plan for that. Some students purchase their attire at a thrift store.***

Sunday Tear Down Uniform:
Pretty flexible, jeans, athletic pants, t shirt, hoodie. Tennis shoes or closed toe shoes are a must no sandals. No holes, paint or clothes with bleach stains. We will be working but we still want to look presentable.

Transportation & Schedule

TUESDAY (May 1, 2018)
Eat lunch prior to arriving at WSU
Meet at WSU at NOON
Group Debrief & Final Details
Carpool to the Camp Crestwood
Pizza (via H2O), Overview, Relax and Sleep (early)
WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY (May 2-5, 2018)
"Wheels Rolling" at 5AM - Leave Campground
On the Road: Breakfast & Group Devotions
Work all day at the Derby
SUNDAY (May 6, 2018)
"Wheels Rolling" at 5AM
On the Road: Breakfast & Group Devotions
Work until we are released the Derby
Drive Home


Levi Online Alcohol Training

Alcohol Training.  While not all volunteers will be required to serve or work with alcohol, all volunteers must go through alcohol training.  Below are the instructions for the training.  All volunteers working any Levy event MUST COMPLETE this training in order to work.

  1. Log on:
  2. Enter Password:   LEVY
  3. Date of hire is today in the following format 01/01/2001
  4. Enter your personal information and employment history.
  5. Choose your job title: (Non-Profit)
  6. Choose your Location Code from the drop down list. (KY Churchill Downs)
  7. Non-Profit Group Name: (H2O Wright State)
  8. Read all materials and click next to go to next page.  You will then be able to take the test.
  9. Once you have completed the test and you submit your answers, it will ask for the manager’s e-mail address, please enter
  10. Email and let him know you completed the training
  11. The results will be e-mailed back to MMC, they will print it as proof you completed the on-line training.
  12. Please understand that by completing the on-line training, you are allowed to work.  You will then be scheduled by your manager to attend the Live Responsible Alcohol Training Class
  13. We will communicate if and when the live Responsible Alcohol Training Will Be.

Everyone who is a part of any Levy event needs to do this once a year, once you do it for 1 event it is good for all the other events in that year.
Please makes sure your whole team does this.