What's this about?

Join with men and H2O Bowling Green, H2O Toledo, and H2O Athens on a weekend charged with activity, worship, sustenance, and mission to become men after God's own heart!

Guest Speaker | Kirk Kirkland

You won't want to miss this, so come and see!

MAN MAKER | 2024

Dates : February 16-17 | Fri 4:00pm - Sat 5:00pm

Note : 4:00pm Check-In | 6:30pm Dinner | 8:30pm Session

Location : Camp Berry

11716 Co. Rd. 40, Findlay, OH 45840

Cost : $25 due at registration

Note : You are not signed up until you receive an email receipt from the H2O Church Network via PushPay

Price Includes

Friday night lodging

- Friday night snacks, Saturday breakfast and lunch


We encourage you to coordinate transportation with others, especially with those you've connected with from Thursday Nights! If you cannot find a carpool ride after asking others, contact a leader! We'd be happy to help. If someone drives you, prepare to pay for their gas!

What To Bring

Sleeping bag / bedding

- Pillow

- Bible, journal, and pen

- Toiletries, ear plugs, towel, etc.

- Comfortable clothes

- Money to give your carpool driver

If you have any further questions, please email us at h2o@h2owrightstate.com